Sheep & Lamb Skins
About 70% of all Australian sheep are pure bred merinos for the production of fine wool. About 25% are of fine to medium crossbred types and 5% coarse crossbred.

The principal sheep producing states are New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria. Approximately 20 million skins are exported annually.

There are three main categories of woolskins: Spring lambskins, from lambs which have not been shorn: Shorn lambskins, from lambs shorn and slaughtered later in the season: and sheepskins from mature sheep.

Spring Lambskin
Production commences about July/August to reach a peak in November and December. The early skins are of wool length 1.5 - 2.0 inches: the 2.0 - 3.0 inch length is produced September through November.

Shorn lambs
Come into production about January and continue thereafter in wool lengths commencing at 0.5 to 1.0 inches and developing, as the season progresses to 1.5 to 2.5 inches and longer.

Production, for mature animals, continues all year but is most prolific in the period of November through February when short wool sheep are slaughtered. Wool lengths from mature sheep vary from under 0.5 inches 2.0 inches to 2.5 inches and longer, depending upon the time of the season.

Two methods are used, air dried and drum salted.

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